Labris Beograd Приложения

LGBT prijateljska mreža 1.0.1
Labris Beograd
Cilj LGBT Prijateljske mreže jeste dapokažemoda u Srbiji postoje LGBT friendly osobe, organizacije iinstitucijekojima se možete obratiti ako su vam potrebne dodatneinformacije,ako želite sa nekim da razgovarate o svom identitetu,ako vasinteresuju ženska i ljudska prava uopšte, ako želite daupoznatedruge LGBT osobe, ako vam je neko pravo prekršeno zbogvašeseksualne orijentacije, itd.The aim LGBTFriendlyNetwork is to show that in Serbia there are LGBTpeople,organizations and institutions which you can contact if youneedfurther information, if you want someone to talk abouttheiridentity, if you are interested in women's and human rightsingeneral, if you want to meet other LGBT people, if you are alawhas been violated because of your sexual orientation, andsoon.